Meeting with EC representatives at Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine

Home News Events Meeting with EC representatives at Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine

On June 10, representatives of the European Commission visited Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU. The delegation members were interested in grant support for defence innovations from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and, in particular, in the activities of its department Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine in this area.

Foreign guests from The European Commission were interested in the Office’s work in the area of defence industry calls. In particular, they discussed the possibility of combining the EU defence innovation ecosystem with the needs of Ukrainian defence, which was described in detail by Andrii Kuznetsov, First Deputy Executive Director for Grant Support of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

Igor Taranov, Head of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, presented the defence-related calls. The parties discussed ways to support and strengthen Ukraine’s defence innovation potential, including cooperation with the EU, considering the differences in the legislation of the countries. Among other things, they discussed possible options for funding calls.