About Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe Programme
International cooperation
General regulatory framework
Strategic plan for 2021-2024
Strategic plan for 2025-2027
Work programmes
Specific support for Ukrainian research and innovation
Pillar I – Excellent Science
European Research Council
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Research infrastructures
Pillar II – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
Cluster 1: Health
Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Cluster 3: Civil security for society
Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Joint Research Centre
Pillar III – Innovative Europe
European Innovation Council
European Institute of Innovation & Technology
European Innovation Ecosystems
Widening participation and strengthening the European research area
Widening participation and spreading excellence
Reforming and enhancing the European Research and Innovation system
EU Missions
Adaptation to Climate Change
Restore our Ocean and Waters
Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities
A Soil Deal for Europe
European Defence Fund
Euratom Research and Training Programme
Looking for partners
Horizon Europe for business
Legal & financial aspects
Preparation, submission and assessment of applications
Project management
Preparations to start a project
Success stories
FAQ about how to participate in the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about submitting applications to the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about submitting applications to the Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine
Mission and objectives
Our team
National contact points
List of the NCPs in Ukraine
Useful information
Calendar of events
Plans and reports
Communications and mass-media
Partnership theme: Digital, Industry and Space
Partnership theme: Health
Partnership theme: Climate, Energy and Mobility
Partnership theme: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Partnerships across themes
FAQ about the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about how to participate in the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about submitting applications to the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine
FAQ about Horizon Europe partnerships
FAQ on various topics
About Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe Programme
International cooperation
General regulatory framework
Strategic plan for 2021-2024
Strategic plan for 2025-2027
Work programmes
Specific support for Ukrainian research and innovation
Pillar I – Excellent Science
European Research Council
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Research infrastructures
Pillar II – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
Cluster 1: Health
Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Cluster 3: Civil security for society
Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Joint Research Centre
Pillar III – Innovative Europe
European Innovation Council
European Institute of Innovation & Technology
European Innovation Ecosystems
Widening participation and strengthening the European research area
Widening participation and spreading excellence
Reforming and enhancing the European Research and Innovation system
EU Missions
Adaptation to Climate Change
Restore our Ocean and Waters
Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities
A Soil Deal for Europe
European Defence Fund
Euratom Research and Training Programme
Looking for partners
Horizon Europe for business
Legal & financial aspects
Preparation, submission and assessment of applications
Project management
Preparations to start a project
Success stories
FAQ about how to participate in the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about submitting applications to the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about submitting applications to the Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine
Mission and objectives
Our team
National contact points
List of the NCPs in Ukraine
Useful information
Calendar of events
Plans and reports
Communications and mass-media
Partnership theme: Digital, Industry and Space
Partnership theme: Health
Partnership theme: Climate, Energy and Mobility
Partnership theme: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Partnerships across themes
FAQ about the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about how to participate in the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about submitting applications to the Horizon Europe Programme
FAQ about the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine
FAQ about Horizon Europe partnerships
FAQ on various topics
Working visit of HEOinUA team to Brussels (June 2024)
Working visit of HEOinUA team to Brussels (June 2024)
Working visit of HEOinUA team to Brussels (June 2024)
Info days in Lviv (Mar 26-27, 2024)
Info days in Ivano-Frankivsk (Apr 29-30, 2024)
Day of Science event (17.05.2024)
Info day in Lutsk (17.05.2024)
HEOinUA Launch Event (Dec. 20, 2023)
HEOinUA Launch Event (Dec. 20, 2023)
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU joined the launch of the Digital Innovation Hub Win-Win EDIH
Opportunities for Ukrainian stakeholders discussed at a webinar dedicated to the Eureka programme
EIT Jumpstarter Rebuild Ukraine 2025: opportunities for business development from idea to realisation
Specialists of the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine held an online consultation on financial aspects of participation in the Programme
All news