Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to provide online consultations to participants of the Horizon Europe

Home News Events Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to provide online consultations to participants of the Horizon Europe

On June 05, experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine provided a series of online consultations on participation of the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. The first consultation concerned the aspects of preparing a project application for participation in calls under Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society within Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness.

The event was joined by representatives of the Sumy National Agrarian University and the Royal Agricultural University, who aim to create a consortium to participate in Horizon Europe projects.

The second consultation event was held by the experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine for the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council, the Pig Farmers of Ukraine Association and the Association of Milk Producers. This time, the participants discussed grant funding opportunities for representatives of the Ukrainian agricultural sector within Cluster 6 and Cluster 5.

We remind you that to ask questions about participation in the Horizon Europe Programme, please send official inquiries to the email address of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine: horizoneurope.info@nrfu.org.ua. To receive online consultations, all interested parties can send questions with “online consultation” in the subject line.