Science Day 2024: results

Home News Events Science Day 2024: results

On May 17, an information event “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Area” was held. The event was organized on the occasion of Science Day, which is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May.

The event was organized by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine to introduce opportunities for Ukrainian researchers and innovators in European and Global research areas in order to promote science and innovation.

The event was attended by representatives of the European Commission, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Council of the Presidential Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sports, the Parliament of Ukraine, Ukrainian and foreign National Academies of Sciences, projects and initiatives supporting Ukrainian researchers, scientific institutions, programme committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, and many others who are in some way involved in science, research and innovation. In total, more than 200 people attended personally and joined online.

In addition to speeches and discussions, the information event was a landmark event for national science. The Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine Olga Polotska and the Head of the EIT Community RIS Hub Ukraine Ihor Markevych signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between National Research Foundation of Ukraine and EIT Community RIS Hub in Ukraine. The aim is to strengthen the support and development of national science, research and innovation through close cooperation between these institutions.

Full photo report of the event.

Watch the video here

Speakers’ presentations are available here