Specialists of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine took part in the seminar “Grant Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation” in Kharkiv

Home News Events Specialists of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine took part in the seminar "Grant Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation" in Kharkiv

On February 23, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University hosted a seminar «Grant Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation». The speakers of the event – experts from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine of the NRFU – shared information on funding from the Foundation and aspects of the participation of Ukrainian scientists in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation «Horizon Europe».

Andrii Kuznetsov, First Deputy Executive Director for Grant Support of the NRFU, and Tetiana Berehova, Head of the Grant Support Department of the NRFU, spoke about new grant opportunities for Ukrainian scientists provided by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

The main specialists of the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine highlighted the aspects of participation in the Horizon Europe Programme. Nadiia Naumova informed about the work of the Office and future opportunities for Ukrainian participants of the Programme. Oleksandr Moiseiev presented the practical aspects of participation in the Programme, in particular, the search for partners and preparation of proposals for participation in calls. Maksym Kolisnyk spoke about the cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space within the Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness.