Koshyk Yuliia

HEOinUA held an online consultation on financial issues of the Horizon Europe
On May 27, experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine conducted an online consultation on financial issues of participation in the Horizon Europe Programme. Representatives of the private institution “University “Kyiv School of Economics” were interested in the aspects of assessing the financial viability of the Horizon Europe Twinning research project within the WIDERA.

EU support for Ukraine: HEOinUA joined online meeting of the informal working group on research and innovation
On May 27, the team of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine took part in the meeting of the informal working group on research and innovation within the Eastern Partnership Summit. The 6th Informal Working Group Meeting on Research and Innovation, which is taking place on May 26-28 in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, is dedicated, in […]

Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within the Horizon Europe Programme: NRFU team held an information event in Lutsk
Specialists of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, including the members of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, continue to hold information events to represent the public opportunities offered by the NRFU and EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe”. On May 24, a training and information event “Grant opportunities of the National Research […]

Information about calls open for submission under the Programme component WIDERA
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine reminds that there are 6 calls open for submission under the Widening Participation and Dissemination of Excellence (WIDERA) of Horizon Europe Framework Programme.

Information on open calls under the Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to inform that there are 9 calls open for submission under the Cluster 6 Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment of the Pillar II Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness within Horizon Europe Programme with the deadline date October 08, 2024.

Information on open calls under the Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to inform about calls open for submission under the Cluster 6 Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment within Pillar II Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness of Horizon Europe Framework Programme.

Information on open calls under the Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to inform about calls open for submission under the Cluster 6 Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment within the Pillar II Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. There are 34 calls with the deadline date September 18, 2024.

Science Day 2024: results
On May 17, an information event “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Area” was held. The event was organized on the occasion of Science Day, which is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May.

Information on open calls under the Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs about calls open for submission under the Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment of the Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness within the Horizon Europe Programme with the deadline – April 17, 2024.

Science Day 2024: Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Area
On May 17, an information event “Integration of Ukraine into the Global Research Area” was held as part of the celebration of Science Day. The event was organized to introduce opportunities for Ukrainian researchers and innovators to promote science and innovation.