Koshyk Yuliia

NRFU joined the discussion of opportunities to stimulate the development of Science Parks in Ukraine
On 15 January, representatives of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine took part in the event ‘Science City Ecosystem. Connecting Business and Science’, which was held as part of the public discussion of the draft law ‘On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Stimulating the Development of Science Parks’.

Information about the call open for submission within the MSCA initiative
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU reminds: The MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-SE-01-01) is still open. This call is open for submission within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) component of the Horizon Europe Programme.

Horizon Implementation Days: EC is holding a series of webinars for Horizon Europe research managers
The European Commission is organising a series of webinars on specific aspects of the Horizon Europe Programme. The events are especially useful for research managers just starting out, who may need more insight into European funding.

5 free tools to share and uptake EU-funded research results
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs. The European Commission offers free and accessible tools to support EU research and innovation projects all the way, from results to impact, to make the most of the research works.

Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility
2024 was a milestone year for the Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility (PSF). In particular, four countries including Ukraine, and Bulgaria, Czechia, Finland are now benefiting from the expert support to strengthen their Research & Innovation systems.

10 tips for successfully managing EU project
When managing EU research projects, it is not enough to perform high-quality scientific work. It is also necessary to comply with the conditions defined in the Grant Agreement. The European Commission, in particular the experts of the European Research Executive Agency, offer recommendations to help with project implementation.

Twelve Ukrainian cities join the SUN4Ukraine initiative of the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission
Twelve Ukrainian cities join the SUN4Ukraine initiative of the EU Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. They are Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Kalush, Kharkiv, Konotop, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Novovolynsk, Pervomaisk, Vinnytsia and Zviahel. The cities were selected among the 33 applications from cities with over 50,000 inhabitants that expressed an interest to develop city-wide and cross-sectoral Climate Neutrality […]

Opportunity to receive free expert support in submitting a proposal within the Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs about the opportunity to receive expert support in writing a project proposal for the Horizon Europe calls. This option became possible due to the Transnational Network of Widening Participation and Development of the European Research Area (WIDERA) National Contact Points (NCPs) under Horizon Europe FP – NCP_WIDERA.NET.

The opportunity to get information about Horizon Europe by mailbox is now available
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs about the possibility to receive useful information related to the Horizon Europe Programme from the European Research Executive Agency (REA) by mailbox. If you would like to be informed about funding opportunities, EU-funded project results and important events and developments at the EU level, subscribe to the thematic […]

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU expands the boundaries of cooperation: bilateral meeting with the Slovak National Horizon Office
On December 19, a joint information meeting was held between the specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU and representatives of the Horizon Europe National Contact Points in Ukraine with representatives of the Slovak National Horizon Office and National Contact Points of the Slovak Republic. The event was held within the Ukrainian Government’s assignment […]