Koshyk Yuliia

The second meeting of the Working Group of Horizon Europe took place
On October 23, the second meeting of the Working Group of Horizon Europe, initiated by Science Europe, took place. Igor Taranov, Head of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU, joined the online event.

Information about calls open for submission within Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU continues to inform about 5 more items within Call: Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02) open for submission under the Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility of the Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness. The deadline date is February 4, 2025.

Information about calls open for submission within Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs about 13 items within Call: Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply (HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02) open for submission under the Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility of the Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness. The deadline date is February 4, 2025. Digital tools for CSP and solar thermal plants […]

The team of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU provided consultations for future applicants of Horizon Europe Programme
On October 17, specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU conducted a remote consultation for the NGO “Common Cause for People”. Representatives of the organization are planning to apply for participation in Horizon Europe.

Representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU took part in the XVI Congress of the Ukrainian Association of European Studies
On October 17-18, the XVI Congress of the UAES took place in Uzhhorod: Ukraine’s Accession to the EU and Reconstruction. The annual event was organised by the Ukrainian Association of European Studies with the support of the Uzhhorod National University Rectorate and the Educational and Research Institute of European Integration Studies of UzhNU in cooperation […]

Information about the open competition within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU reminds that the Horizon Europe European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has been accepting applications for the EIT Higher Education Institutions (HEI) Initiative Call for Proposals since September 19, 2024. Application deadline: 12 December 2024, 17:00 CET.

Representatives of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine took part in an information event dedicated to opportunities within the Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
An Information Day: The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. Current calls and partnerships in project proposals in the area of Climate, Energy and Mobility – was held on October 17. The event was held at the Prydniprovia State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, the Ukrainian State University of Science and […]

Horizon Implementation Days: all you need to know from proposal submission to grant management in Horizon Europe
On October 16, experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU took part in the second of a series of webinars on proposal submitting managing grants in Horizon Europe – Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe.

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU and the Agency for European Innovations held the second joint practice-oriented webinar
On October 16, the team of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine took part in a joint event with the Agency of European Innovations, a practice-oriented webinar: Participation in Horizon Europe projects with a focus on calls in the area of health, bioeconomy and agriculture.

The first webinar of a series of training events for representatives of the Horizon Europe NPCs, initiated by Office of Horizon Europe in Ukraine, NRFU, took place
On October 15, specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU held the first training event for representatives of the network of National Contact Points of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. This is the first webinar in a series of training events planned by Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine for […]