Future of the EU missions in the next 10th FP discussed representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine

Home News Events Future of the EU missions in the next 10th FP discussed representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine

The team of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NFDU continues to pay a working visit to Brussels. On the same day, June 25, the Ukrainian delegation took part in an information and discussion event on the role of the EU representative offices in the next Framework Programme and an overview of the upcoming missions of the 10th Framework Programme.

The event was organized within the Transnational Cooperation on Missions (TRAMI) project, which has collected the experience of many European regions and countries over the past two years. The invitees shared successful stories of project implementation and participation of different types of participants in Horizon Europe. Emphasis was placed on cross-cutting calls, digital, green course, and active public engagement.

During the event, the Mission Playbook was presented. It highlights a few of the many interesting examples of practical implementation of key Mission tasks. The attendees also had the opportunity to take a short quiz to determine the level of awareness of EU Missions.

In addition, the participants discussed the EU Missions in different ways and provided suggestions for changing their emphasis for the next Framework Programme, developing and adapting Missions to the needs of participants not only from EU members and associated countries, but also from third countries, and involving the public and even schoolchildren.

The event was held at the National Center for Research and Development in Brussels (NCBR Office in Brussels) and gathered more than 100 people who joined both in person and online.