HEOinUA specialists joined the online event dedicated to nature-based solutions

Home News Events HEOinUA specialists joined the online event dedicated to nature-based solutions

On July 3, representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU took part in a webinar Nature-based Solutions: Devising actions to achieve and far-reaching transformational adaptation. The online event was devoted to nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation with a focus on identifying the root causes of climate problems, including different typologies and implementation on the ground, financing mechanisms, as well as possible replication and scaling of such solutions.

The speakers highlighted important and relevant issues for all those interested in climate adaptation. In particular, practical advice was provided by experts, including representatives of the TransformAr project, the European Environment Agency, the Milan Metropolitan Administration, and the IMPETUS project, which is a member of the Green Deal Projects Support Office and Climate Change Working Group. Practical adaptation solutions were also proposed, including national standards, innovative technologies, financing, insurance models, awareness-raising programs, and climate change governance models. In addition, participants received detailed information on large-scale transformational adaptation in vulnerable European regions.

The PPT presentations are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1va1CzL6yThh2R0JZKuP0JJhUUKracl8q?usp=drive_link

To provide your feedback on the webinar by filling in this short survey: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/GD-SO_Peer-to-peer_Feedback_Survey