Information dissemination event on grant opportunities in Ternopil: Day I – working meeting of the NRFU with the authorities
The National Research Foundation of Ukraine continues to inform stakeholders in Ukraine about the opportunities for scientists, researchers and innovators provided by both the NRFU and the European Union. So, recently, the team of the Foundation visited the city of Ternopil with an information dissemination event ‘Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within the Horizon Europe Programme’. On the first day of the event, a working meeting with representatives of state and local authorities was held.
The Executive Director of the NRFU Olga Polotska spoke with Olha Khoma, Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Ternopil Regional State Administration and Ruslan Kulyk, Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Promotion of the Region of the Ternopil Region Council. Among the key issues to be discussed were the activities of educational and research institutions, as well as the needs of researchers who continue working in the context of the ongoing war in the country.
They exchanged points of view on the ways to further deepen cooperation. The parties agreed that only through joint actions and synergy of all interested in the development of domestic science and research the goals of improving the living standards of citizens and integrating Ukraine into the global research space can be achieved.
This event is organised for all potential stakeholders: scientists, researchers, innovators, representatives of higher education institutions, research institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, state and local authorities, NGOs, etc. The three-day event aims to raise awareness of the opportunities to get funding through participation in calls of the NRFU and Horizon Europe. In addition, raising the awareness of the scientific community about grant project management will significantly increase the number of not only successfully submitted applications, but will also help to manage projects properly in the future.