Information about the forthcoming call within Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space

Home News Calls Information about the forthcoming call within Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs about forthcoming call within Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space with planned opening date – 09 July 2024.

  • The Galileo PRS service for governmental authorised use cases (HORIZON-EUSPA-2023-SPACE-01-44).

The deadline date is on 05 September 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time.

Over the years a cross-border cooperation between Member States (MS) Competent PRS Authorities (CPA) has been fostered through a number of activities related to the implementation of the PRS regulatory framework. These activities (e.g. the Joint Test Activity (JTA) and the market consultation for PRS conducted under FRAME SC2 grant in 2023), and the recent coordination among MS CPA have led to the identification of gaps related to the ongoing market development of PRS civilian applications.

Proposals should identify, design and create applications leveraging the items for the first generation of Galileo PRS. Applications should address the governmentally authorised user communities and scenarios for which the technical, operational and security related features requirements of PRS service constitute barriers to entry.

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Develop the use cases for authorised civilian users based on the added value of PRS service.
  • Develop the PRS applications targeting civilian users by leveraging PRS technology.
  • Build on top of previous exploratory activities and lessons learnt on the development of PRS items by stimulating the corresponding downstream PRS uptake.
  • Foster a European-level cooperation of industrial entities for the development of authorised PRS applications.

Proposals submitted should ensure gathering at least 3 potential European user communities (at least from 3 different PRS participants).

In order to achieve the expected outcomes, and safeguard the Union’s strategic assets, interests, autonomy, and security in the area of research covered by this topic, participation is limited to legal entities established in:

  • Member States that have designated a Competent PRS authority (CPA) in accordance with Decision No 1104/2011, and
  • third countries that have concluded a specific agreement on participation in Galileo and EGNOS, and have become PRS participants, on the basis of international agreements concluded with the Union, and have designated a Competent PRS authority (CPA).
