Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU joined the online meeting of the Focus Group on EU-Ukraine Business Cooperation

Home News Events Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU joined the online meeting of the Focus Group on EU-Ukraine Business Cooperation

On July 10, representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU took part in a regular meeting of the Focus Group on business cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. The online meeting was joined by representatives of enterprises and business associations interested in cooperation with Ukrainian partners, which totalled almost 80 people.

This time, the event focused on opportunities for European partners. The participants discussed a number of important issues related to expanding opportunities for the parties in connection with the process of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union.

Members of the Focus Group got acquainted with the list of export guarantees for trade with Ukraine, in particular as part of a pilot project for EU Export Credit Agencies. They also reviewed the role of EBRD under Ukraine Facility.

In addition, an overview of Ukraine’s financial system and opportunities for involvement was provided, with experts presenting the Ukraine finance sector study. A question-and-answer session was held at ⁉️Насамкінець to discuss the topics discussed during the event.

Such meetings are held 1-2 times a month and are dedicated to various topics of Ukraine’s integration into the EU. Among them: Ukraine’s recovery, the EU’s defense strategy, the development of defense industries, the strategy of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises, the EU-Ukraine business forum, and others.


The goal of the EU-Ukraine Business Cooperation Focus Group is to facilitate business connections and develop new value chains between Ukrainian and European SMEs. The Focus Group acts as a key information hub and provides its members with up-to-date information on both EU policies and programs and the business environment in Ukraine. This strengthens business cooperation and investment in Ukraine. Participants gain a better understanding of the specific actions in Ukraine by various stakeholders and have the opportunity to report to the EC and the Government of Ukraine on SME issues, share best practices, find grant opportunities and partners interested in developing B2B projects.

We remind you that in March 2024, specialists of the Office presented the project team and the opportunities provided by the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe for Ukrainian and European SMEs.