Information dissemination event on grant opportunities of the NRFU and support tools under the Horizon Europe Programme was held in Vinnytsia

Home News Events Information dissemination event on grant opportunities of the NRFU and support tools under the Horizon Europe Programme was held in Vinnytsia

On February 18-20, Vinnytsia hosted an event to disseminate information, dedicated to grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within the Horizon Europe Programme’. The event, organised by the specialists of the NRFU, was held for representatives of higher education institutions, research institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, state and local authorities, NGOs and all Ukrainian scientists, researchers and innovators who are interested in the opportunities provided by the NRFU and the EU, in particular, in the context of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.

On the last day of the event, February 20, information on the following topics was presented to the participants:

  • Open Science strategy of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine;
  • financial awareness and culture of drafting the financial and economic part of the grant application and the agreement on grant support of the NRFU;
  • financial aspects of participation in Horizon Europe;
  • shaping an inclusive and creative future through research and innovation (Cluster 2 of the Programme);
  • Horizon Europe  EU Mission and the initiative New European Bauhaus.

Finally, the experts of the Foundation held a Q&A session, where the participants asked all their questions and expressed their appreciation and wishes for such events in the future. The attendees also had the opportunity to communicate with the experts personally during the Networking part.

Summarising the multi-day event, Andrii Kuznetsov, First Deputy Executive Director of the NRFU for Grant Support, thanked everyone who took part and encouraged them to participate in grant support programmes and strengthen the presence of Ukrainian scientists and researchers on the world stage.