Information about calls open for submission under the European Clean Hydrogen Partnership of the Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs that 19 calls open for submission are opened under the European Clean Hydrogen Partnership within Cluster 5: Climate, Energy, Mobility of the Horizon Europe Programme since January 30, 2025. The deadline date is April 23, 2025.
- Improvements in lifetime and cost of low temperature electrolysers by introducing advanced materials and components in stacks and balance of plant
- Improved lifetime and cost of high-temperature electrolysers by introducing innovative materials and components in stacks and BoP
- Scale-up and Optimisation of manufacturing processes for electrolyser materials, cells, or stacks
- Efficient electrolysis coupling with variable renewable electricity and/or heat integration
- Innovative co-electrolysis systems and integration with downstream processes
- Innovative hydrogen and solid carbon production from renewable gases/biogenic waste processes
- Towards exploration and evaluation of European natural hydrogen potential
- Development of mined, lined rock cavern for gaseous hydrogen storage
- Development of cost effective and high-capacity compression solutions for hydrogen
- Demonstration of scalable ammonia cracking technology
- Configurable Fuel Cell Powertrain for Non-Road Mobile Machinery
- Scalable innovative processes for the production of PEMFC MEAs
- Reliable, efficient, scalable and lower cost 1 MW-scale PEMFC system for maritime applications
- Demonstration of stationary fuel cells in renewable energy communities
- Simultaneous ionomer and iridium recycling
- Understanding emissions of PFAS from electrolysers and/or fuel cells under product use
- Knowledge transfer and training of civil servants, safety officials, and permitting staff to improve safety assessment and licensing procedures across Europe
- Large-scale Hydrogen Valley
- Small-scale Hydrogen Valley