Koshyk Yuliia

Information about calls open for submission within Cancer Mission
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs about 6 calls open for submission under the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission with a deadline date on September 18, 2024.

Information about calls open for submission within Horizon Europe European Innovation Council
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs about 7 calls open for submission under the European Innovation Council component of Pillar III Innovative Europe within Horizon Europe.

Information about open calls under the Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine reminds about 5 calls open for submission on June 18, 2024 within Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, Horizon Europe with the deadline date – January 22, 2025:

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU continues to consult the participants of Horizon Europe: meeting with the employees of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
On August 7, representatives of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University paid a working visit to Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU. Employees of the higher education institution, which is a participant of Horizon Europe, are interested in expanding the scope of cooperation with the Office in order to further work on the successful implementation of the […]

Information about calls open for submission within the European Research Council
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs about 2 calls open for submission within the ERC HE Programme component, Pillar I Excellent Science.

Information about calls open for submission under Research Infrastructures of Pillar I Excellent Science
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU reminds about two calls open for submission under the Research Infrastructures component of Pillar I Excellent Science with a deadline for applications on September 19, 2024.

Useful information for those who want to apply for EU funding
The European Research Executive Agency (REA) compiled some useful information for those who are applying to any of the Horizon Europe calls. Below is a list of links for potential applicants that will help them prepare a successful call application.

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU establishes cooperation with international partners: meeting with representatives of the Republic of Austria
On July 31, the specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine took part in a joint online meeting with representatives of Ukraine and the Republic of Austria to the Programme committee: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, responsible for monitoring the implementation of the EU Framework […]

The second joint working meeting was held with representatives of Ukraine to the committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of Horizon Europe
On July 30, Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU held a joint online working meeting with representatives of Ukraine to the committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. The purpose of the event, organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science […]

Reforming and enhancing the European Research and Innovation system: calls open for submission
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU reminds about 3 calls open for submission under Reforming and improving the European research and innovation system, WIDERA with the deadline date – September 25, 2024.