Koshyk Yuliia

A meeting of the working group of Horizon Europe Programme
On April 17, the working group of the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe held a meeting initiated by Science Europe. Olga Polotska, Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, and Igor Taranov, Head of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU, also joined the online event.

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine is an important component of higher education cooperation between Ukraine and Austria: the rectors meeting of the countries
On April 16, a high-level meeting of representatives of education and science of Ukraine and the Republic of Austria was held in Uzhhorod, at the Uzhhorod National University, on the topic: “Development Perspectives in Higher Education Cooperation between Austria and Ukraine”. Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine was presented at the event as an integral element […]

Personnel Unit Cost – new cost method in Horizon Europe: experts of the Office joined the EC webinar
On April 16, experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine took part in a webinar on “Personnel Unit Cost – New cost method in Horizon Europe”.

Information about open calls under Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space within Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to inform about calls for proposals in Cluster 4: Digitalization, Industry and Space under Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness within the Horizon Europe Programme. There is a single-stage call open for submission with a deadline date of 06 June 2024:

European Commission: Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe Work Programme 2025
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs that the European Commission offers to contribute to the development of the Horizon Europe work programme 2025 by filling in one or more surveys.

Information about open calls under Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space within Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to inform about calls for proposals in Cluster 4: Digitalization, Industry and Space under Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness within Horizon Europe Programme.

Information on the status of preparation and participation of Ukrainian partners in joint projects under Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine publishes statistics on the status of preparation and participation of Ukrainian partners in joint projects under Horizon Europe Programme (as of April 12, 2024). In particular, in the context of information on available calls for proposals under the Programme, the results of the competitive selection of projects with the participation […]

Information about open calls under the Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space within the Horizon Europe Programme
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs that 11 calls for proposals are open for submission in the Cluster 4 Digitalization, Industry and Space under the Pillar II Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness within Horizon Europe Programme with a deadline of April 18, 2024.

Horizon Europe for Ukrainian Business: experts of the Office took part in a webinar
On April 11, the specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine NRFU took part in a webinar: Horizon Europe for Ukrainian Business. The event, organized by Social Consulting Paragraph and Crowe Mykhailenko for representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine, was dedicated to the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.

HEOinUA continues to expand the boundaries of cooperation: meeting with representatives of STU
On April 9, representatives of the State Tax University visited Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine. Acting Rector of the STU Dmytro Serebrianskyi and Scientific Secretary Oleksandra Smirnova had a conversation with the specialists of the Office about the participating in the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.