
NRFU raises public awareness of grant opportunities: training and information event in Uzhhorod (Day IІI)
The final day of the training and information event “Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within Horizon Europe”, June 21, was also intense. The NRFU team continued to inform about the peculiarities of financial support for Ukrainian researchers and scientists.

NRFU raises public awareness of grant opportunities: training and information event in Uzhhorod (Day II)
The Uzhhorod National University is hosting a training and information event “Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within Horizon Europe”. The second day, June 20, was very informative. Representatives of UzhNU and other higher education institutions, scientific institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, NGOs, etc. learned about the specifics of […]

NRFU raises public awareness of grant opportunities: training and information event in Uzhhorod (Day I)
The team of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine continues to raise public awareness of grant opportunities for Ukrainian scientists, researchers and innovators. On June 19-21, the training and information event “Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine” and support tools within Horizon Europe ” is taking place in Uzhhorod at the Uzhhorod […]

Information about New Mission Soil call
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs that New Mission Soil call is open 10 June 2024.

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine NRFU raises awareness of the Horizon Europe Programme: joint event with the Agency for European Innovation
On June 14, the Agency of European Innovation and Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU held a joint online event dedicated to the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. The practice-oriented event “Supporting the participation of Ukrainian organizations in Horizon Europe calls with a focus on Pillar II “Global Challenges and European […]

Support for Ukrainian researchers forced to leave due to the war: relaunch of the MSCA4Ukraine
On June 14, the Head of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU took part in the MSCA4Ukraine relaunch webinar and information day. This project is extremely important for Ukrainian scientists and innovators, as it provides support to those who find themselves in difficult circumstances and have been forced to leave due to the ongoing war […]

Strengthening cooperation between the national offices of Horizon Europe in Ukraine and Georgia is an important step in integration into the ERA
Young Scientists’ Week continues in Georgia. Representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU joined the first day, June 13, which was dedicated to the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The event became a platform for developing cooperation, improving application writing skills, and expanding participation in future projects of the Horizon Europe, thereby strengthening the position […]

Specialists of HEOinUA took part in information days dedicated to the Cluster 3
On June 12-13, experts from Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU took part in an information event organized by the European Union, the New Security Research Database (SeReMa). SeReMa aims to be a focal point for all stakeholders who aim to be involved in projects submitted for calls of Horizon Europe’s Cluster 3.

ESOF 2024: representatives of HEOinUA took part in the MSCA Satellite event in Poland
On June 10-11, a forum dedicated to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) of the Horizon Europe was held in Katowice, Poland. The MSCA Satellite partner event, organized by the MSCA initiative in cooperation with the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2024, was attended by specialists from Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU.

Meeting with EC representatives at Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine
On June 10, representatives of the European Commission visited Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU. The delegation members were interested in grant support for defence innovations from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and, in particular, in the activities of its department Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine in this area.