FAQ about Horizon Europe partnerships

Home FAQ FAQ about Horizon Europe partnerships
What are partnerships and why are they established?

European Partnerships unite the European Commission with private and/or public partners to address pressing challenges facing European society.

This collaboration is achieved through coordinated research and innovation initiatives, which significantly contribute to advancing EU policy priorities.

By combining efforts of private and public partners, European Partnerships facilitate efficient investment and strengthen the research and innovation landscape within the EU.

For more information, please refer to the European Partnerships in Horizon Europe infographics.

What should be considered when participating in calls opened within Partnerships?

There are various types of partnerships, including institutional, co-programmed, and co-funded. As Ukraine is an Associate Member of Horizon Europe, Ukrainian organisations are eligible to participate in all open calls, including those within Partnerships.

However, it is important to note that some partnerships are co-funded by their members. If Ukrainian organisations are not members of the consortium, their participation in project implementation can only be ensured at their own expense.

Where to find calls for proposals opened within the framework of Partnership?

Calls for proposals opened within the Partnerships are available both on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal page and on the pages of specific partnerships. You can find a list of them here.