Connect New European Bauhaus Open Call 2025

Home News Calls Connect New European Bauhaus Open Call 2025

The EIT Community New European Bauhaus (NEB) invites applicants to submit proposals for funding through its community-focused Connect NEB Call for Proposals, which focuses on citizen-generated solutions to the challenges facing cities, peri-urban and rural areas. The overall purpose of the call is to welcome solutions and initiatives that respond to challenges identified by the local community and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between people.

The EIT Community NEB is especially interested in receiving applications for projects that address challenges related to climate, urban mobility, food and manufacturing. Crucially, proposals must integrate the three core NEB values of sustainability, inclusivity and aesthetics.

Below, the EIT Community NEB defines four challenge areas, based on thematic axes of the NEB.

  • Re-connecting with nature;
  • Re-gaining sense of community and belonging;
  • Prioritising places and the people that need them the most;
  • The need for a long term, life cycle and integrated thinking in industrial ecosystem.

All applications must address at least one of the EIT Community NEB challenge areas mentioned above.

This call is open to all legal entities established in Member States of the European Union (EU), and/or in Third countries associated to Horizon Europe. These legal entities may be, for example, public or private legal entities, SMEs, education institutions, research and technology organisations, consultancies, NGOs or social entities. Applications from RIS countries are encouraged to participate.

Up to eight projects will be selected in this call with a maximum funding of 15,000 EUR per project and a minimum co-funding rate of 20% across the project.

Deadline date: 26 September 2024 at 17:00 CET via the NETSUITE online submission platform. More information can be found in the Call Manual.

Also, on Tuesday 23 July 2024: online info session dedicated to this call. Registration is here.