Cooperation with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) launched

Home News Events Cooperation with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) launched

On August 22, the Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and the team of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine held a working meeting with the representatives of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), which operates under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

At the beginning of the discussion, Olga Polotska, Executive Director of the NRFU, welcomed the participants and briefed the British colleagues on the work of the Foundation, its achievements, and focused on the grants being awarded within its framework. 

Igor Taranov, Head of the Office, provided an overview of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine’s initiatives. He then invited the Office’s team members to present and discuss their respective areas of activity across the programme’s components, clusters, and EU Missions.

The Arts and Humanities Research Council was represented by Jamie Davies, Senior Manager, International Partnerships and Engagement, Jaideep Gupte, Director of Research, Strategy and Innovation, and Gregory Meredith, Head of International Partnerships and Engagement.

The meeting explored avenues to enhance participation in collaborative projects under the Horizon Europe Programme, with particular attention to calls for proposals in Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” of Pillar 2. Discussions centred on the potential engagement of Ukrainian organisations in the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage and the New European Bauhaus initiatives, with the aim of forging strong partnerships to support cultural heritage preservation, sustainable design, and inclusive urban regeneration.

Special focus was placed on encouraging Ukrainian researchers to engage in projects supported by the AHRC. Emphasis was given to the role these projects will play in fostering future capacity-building efforts, identifying new partners, and enhancing access to information regarding AHRC funding opportunities.


The Arts and Humanities Research Council supports world-leading, independent research across a diverse range of fields, from philosophy and the creative industries to art and product design. This research tackles some of society’s most pressing challenges, including addressing modern slavery, examining the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence, and deepening our understanding of what it means to be human.

Useful links based on the results of the meeting:

AHRC strategic delivery plan 2022 to 2025

Heritage experts to study responses to protecting Ukraine’s cultural heritage and monuments

Donbas in Focus: Visions of Industry in the Ukrainian East

Humanities in the European Research Area