Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU continues to consult the participants of Horizon Europe: meeting with the employees of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Home News Events Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU continues to consult the participants of Horizon Europe: meeting with the employees of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

On August 7, representatives of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University paid a working visit to Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU. Employees of the higher education institution, which is a participant of Horizon Europe, are interested in expanding the scope of cooperation with the Office in order to further work on the successful implementation of the Programme’s projects.

The guests were welcomed by Andrii Kuznetsov, First Deputy Executive Director for Grants, the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, and all the specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, headed by Igor Taranov. Andrii Kuznetsov spoke about the work of the Foundation and the grant opportunities it provides to Ukrainian scientists and researchers. For his part, Igor Taranov introduced the department’s employees by their areas of responsibility. In addition, the Head of the Office provided consultations on issues of interest to the visitors.

Zhytomyr Polytechnic was represented by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Innovative Development Dymytrii Hrytsyshen, Head of the Fundraising Office and Project Coordinator of the HE WIDERA Yuliia Bohoyavlenska, Deputy Head of the Fundraising Office Pavlo Poplavskyi, and Deputy Head of the International Relations Department Artur Makhno. The members of the delegation addressed the specialists of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine with specific questions about the coordination of Horizon Europe project.

Thus, representatives of the university asked about the peculiarities of participation in the Programme, namely, the algorithm for registering a project implemented by an educational institution within the framework of the WIDERA competition. In addition, Zhytomyr Polytechnic is looking for partners among Ukrainian institutions and organisations to implement joint projects that would meet the needs of not only European society in general, but also the needs of Ukrainian society in particular, which are caused by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Based on that, the guests were interested in the financial possibilities of the conditions of participation in Horizon Europe for SMEs.

This is the second consultation meeting, but this time it was held offline. The first consultation with representatives of Zhytomyr Polytechnic took place online on February 28 and focused on the specifics of organising work within Horizon Europe.