Learning across the borders: visiting of the representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU to the Estonian Research Council
On February 17-18, representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine made a working visit to Tartu, Republic of Estonia. In particular, the Ukrainian delegation visited the Estonian Research Council (Eesti Teadusagentuur, ETAG). The visit aimed to share best practices, strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two institutions and get a deeper understanding of the working processes of the Estonian Horizon Europe National Contact Point.
The meeting began with welcoming and introducing the participants. On behalf of the Estonian Research Council, Dr Anu Noorma, Director General, welcomed the participants and spoke about the involvement of Estonian researchers and innovators into the Horizon Europe Programme and highlighted the work on integration into the European research area.
During the meeting with the representatives of the Estonian NCP network, the participants discussed the extension of opportunities for participation in the Horizon Europe Programme, focused on the activities of the NCP and representatives of the Programme committees, and emphasised the importance of their cooperation for the country in eliminating barriers and making quick steps towards the ERA.
Estonian colleagues also provided tools and suggested options for possible activities to involve new participants into the Programme, based on their experience, in particular under the Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility, Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment and the Programme component: Research Infrastructures.
Among other things, they focused on EU Missions, in particular, A Soil Deal for Europe Mission. The Estonian experts presented the available options for the Programme Partnerships and the opportunities that can be provided by them. In addition, they emphasised the specifics of the cross-cutting Programme component WIDERA, and detailed the forthcoming calls for proposals.
The parties decided to work together to participate in the calls for proposals to be announced under Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society. In the context of participation in calls for proposals, it is worth noting that Estonian partners are actively providing training and capacity building activities for potential applicants, which they shared with Ukrainian experts. Foreign partners shared methods of supporting Programme applicants during the entire project life cycle.
Separately, the meeting highlighted the LUKE project, which was launched earlier this year and aimed at supporting scientists and innovators from Ukraine. The consortium includes representatives of the Estonian Research Council and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, including Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine.
In addition, during the meeting, Ukrainian representatives had the opportunity to meet the Estonian contact person in Brussels, who shared her experience and focused on the Joint Research Centre – one of the Programme components. She emphasised the close cooperation with her colleague Mykhailo Hrebeniuk, who currently represents Ukraine in Brussels. The participants also met with the University of Tartu Grant Office and received information on its structure and main activities within the Office’s competence.
The intensive working days closed with a practical part – interactive games to check the knowledge on the information received and the common understanding of the Programme aspects. According to the results of the meetings, the parties agreed to hold and participate in events organised by Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine.
For information.
The Estonian Research Council (Eesti Teadusagentuur, ETAG) is an Estonian state foundation whose main task is to organise the scientific life of Estonia. ETAG is a structural unit of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.