NRFU joined the discussion of opportunities to stimulate the development of Science Parks in Ukraine

Home News Events NRFU joined the discussion of opportunities to stimulate the development of Science Parks in Ukraine

On 15 January, representatives of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine took part in the event ‘Science City Ecosystem. Connecting Business and Science’, which was held as part of the public discussion of the draft law ‘On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Stimulating the Development of Science Parks’.

In particular, Liudmyla Lisova, Leading Officer of the Department Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, PhD in Engineering Science, reminded the roundtable participants and all those present about the opportunities of the Horizon Europe Programme for Science Parks.

The amendments discussed during the event are intended to create a favourable environment for the development of the science parks institute in Ukraine, create an advanced research and innovation infrastructure based on universities, research institutions and science parks, promote the development and launch of knowledge-intensive innovative technologies and products, and establish fruitful cooperation between business, science and the state.

The event brought together representatives of the public sector, the scientific community, innovative businesses, and international partners. In total, more than 300 people interested in solving problems in realising the potential of science parks took part in a hybrid format.

The event was initiated and organised by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine jointly with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the support of the USAID and UK Dev-funded project ‘Digital Transformation Activity’, with the participation of the BRDO.