NRFU raises public awareness of grant opportunities: training and information event in Uzhhorod (Day IІI)

Home News Events NRFU raises public awareness of grant opportunities: training and information event in Uzhhorod (Day IІI)

The final day of the training and information event “Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within Horizon Europe”, June 21, was also intense. The NRFU team continued to inform about the peculiarities of financial support for Ukrainian researchers and scientists.

During the first working part, issues related to grant opportunities from the NRFU were highlighted. In addition, specialists fromHorizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU, presented certain aspects of Horizon Europe. The second part of the event was practical, with the master class on how to prepare a successful project application under the Programme.

A Q&A session and networking on practical issues of grant management summarized the three-day event. The audience and online participants had many questions about participating in calls, as Uzhhorod National University has a great interest in participating in both the National Research Foundation of Ukraine projects and Horizon Europe.