Strengthening cooperation between the national offices of Horizon Europe in Ukraine and Georgia is an important step in integration into the ERA

Home News Events Strengthening cooperation between the national offices of Horizon Europe in Ukraine and Georgia is an important step in integration into the ERA

Young Scientists’ Week continues in Georgia. Representatives of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU joined the first day, June 13, which was dedicated to the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The event became a platform for developing cooperation, improving application writing skills, and expanding participation in future projects of the Horizon Europe, thereby strengthening the position of not only Georgia but also other countries participating in the Programme in the European research and innovation area.

The Head of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU delivered a welcoming speech. He supported the activities of the Georgian National Office and wished success to researchers and innovators in the projects of Horizon Europe.

“The successes of the Georgian partners, as well as the development of fruitful cooperation between the two Offices and the interaction of Horizon Europe experts from Ukraine and Georgia will help strengthen the countries’ position in the European research area,” emphasized Igor Taranov.

Other speakers at the event included Silvia Bojinova,Senior Policy Officer and ENP Team leader, DG R&I, European Commission, Marija Fedotovaite, DG EAC, European Commission, Austeja Trinkunaite, Policy Officer, unit G.3, DG RTD, European Commission, Levan Khetsuriani, Head of Horizon Europe Office of Georgia, Nodar Papukashvili, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia.