Canada officially joined Horizon Europe programme

Home News Useful information Canada officially joined Horizon Europe programme

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine informs that on July 03 Canada joined the growing group of non-EU countries who have associated to the EU’s research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, and will work jointly on large-scale projects tackling our biggest challenges.

The representatives of EU and Canada have signed the agreement that gives Canadian researchers and organisations the opportunity to participate in the programme on equal terms with their EU counterparts. Canadian entities can now join and lead research consortia with some of the world’s best research organisations to tackle global challenges together. They will get the opportunity to be funded directly from the programme, while Canada will contribute to its budget.

Canada associates to the Pillar II of Horizon Europe, which funds collaborative research projects across a wide range of domains. From now on, Canadian and European researchers will be able to collaborate on a wide range of domains, such as Climate, Energy, Digital Economy and Health. The country entities currently participate in 155 Projects under HE’s Pillars I and II.

As a reminder, on June 10, representatives of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine paid a working visit to the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine at the invitation of the Canadian side. The parties discussed the establishment of cooperation between higher education institutions, research institutions, and enterprises of the two countries to jointly participate and form consortia in the projects of Horizon Europe.

The information is from the European Commission’s site.