Opportunity to improve research management skills with CARDEA Academy

Home News Useful information Opportunity to improve research management skills with CARDEA Academy

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs about the launch of the CARDEA Academy. Academia CARDERA is a part of online CARDERA Hub. A series of free training resources organised by the CARDEA online hub for research project managers, in particular, aims to attract project managers from widening countries.

The CARDEA Academy consists of 17 webinars, information about which can be viewed here. The comprehensive training focuses on providing fundamental knowledge to research project managers at the beginning of their careers or those who are considering it. Each webinar is delivered by experienced project managers who lead training initiatives in their field. Through a series of interactive and engaging online events, participants will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities while staying up-to-date in a career field that is constantly evolving and exciting.

For information.

CARDEA is a project of the Horizon Europe Programme, funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01 call, which started in 2022. An important component is the involvement of the research management community.