Opportunity to receive free expert support in submitting a proposal within the Horizon Europe Programme

Home News Useful information Opportunity to receive free expert support in submitting a proposal within the Horizon Europe Programme

Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU informs about the opportunity to receive expert support in writing a project proposal for the Horizon Europe calls. This option became possible due to the Transnational Network of Widening Participation and Development of the European Research Area (WIDERA) National Contact Points (NCPs) under Horizon Europe FP – NCP_WIDERA.NET.

Through the NCP_WIDERA.NET expert database, potential applicants from widening countries with project ideas and in need of expert feedback can access fully-funded feedback from experienced professionals to enhance the proposal and boost its chances of success. Therefore, if you are planning to submit a proposal to any of the following Horizon Europe calls, you can apply for a free pre-check under the:

  • Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness (6 Clusters)
  • Pillar III: European Innovation Council (Pathfinder)
  • Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (WIDERA).

To submit a project proposal for pre-screening and take it to the next level at https://wideraexperts.eu/