Partnership theme: Digital, Industry and Space
European Partnerships in digital, industry and space
Details of European Partnerships under Horizon Europe. Partnership proposals, contact details, details of partners.
Partnerships in Horizon Europe
The aim of European Partnerships with EU and associated countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry.
The initial list of candidate European Partnerships in Horizon Europe is found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.
The following are the partnerships in the area of digital, industry and space.
Details of partnerships
- to develop, deploy, extend and maintain a world leading federated and hyper-connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem in the EU
- support the autonomous production of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems based on indigenous European components, technologies and knowledge and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these systems
- widen the use of this supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users, and support the development of key skills that European science and industry need.
Draft outline of partnership proposal (May 2019, update pending).
Commission services:
By 2030, EU leadership in KDT will reinforce industrial strongholds having seized emerging opportunities to establish technological sovereignty and boost competitiveness.
Draft partnership proposal (January 2021).
Commission services:
Partners: AENEAS – Caroline Bedran, ARTEMIS – Jan Lohstroh, EPOSS – Wolfgang Gessner.
It will enable European players to develop the technology capacities for 6G systems as the basis for future digital services towards 2030. It will also allow that lead markets for 5G infrastructure and services can develop in Europe by coordinating 5G deployment with CEF2 Digital.
Draft partnership proposal (July 2020).
Commission services:
Partners: 5G IA – Colin Willcock, Nokia – Werner Mohr.
By 2030, European sovereignty is expected in the development and deployment of trustworthy, safe and robust AI, data and robotics, compatible with EU values and regulations.
- Draft partnership proposal(June 2020)
- Memorandum of understanding(June 2021).
Commission services: Kimmo Rossi, Juha Heikkilä, Cécile Huet.
Partners: BDVA AISBL – Thomas Hahn.
By 2030 Europe will have maintained leadership in core and emerging photonic technologies.
- Draft partnership proposal(May 2020)
- Memorandum of understanding(June 2021).
Commission services: Werner Steinhögl.
Partners: VDI-Technologiezentrum GmbH / Photonics21 Secretariat.
- Draft partnership proposal(July 2020)
- Memorandum of understanding(June 2021).
Commission services: Alejandro Germán González González.
Partners: ESTEP – Klaus Peters.
This partnership aims to accelerate Europe’s global lead in metrology research by establishing self-sustaining European Metrology Networks. It seeks to support new innovative products to respond to societal challenges such as health, environment and climate change and enable effective design and implementation of necessary regulation and standards.
Steering Group
The Steering Group is an advisory body of the Metrology Partnership established in accordance with Metrology Decision. It gives advice to the Metrology Partnership on the emerging priorities for metrology research at European level and on how to increase the impact of its research on European industry, economy and society.
The group will also monitor scientific achievements in specific sectors. All recommendations made by the Steering Group shall be made publicly available on the website of the European Commission.
The Steering Group is an advisory body of the Metrology Partnership established in accordance with Metrology Decision. It gives advice to the Metrology Partnership on the emerging priorities for metrology research at European level and on how to increase the impact of its research on European industry, economy and society.
Metrology partnership steering group members
Commission services: MASCALCHI Edoardo.
Partners: EURAMET – Mikko Merimaa.
Made in Europe seeks to increase the number and attractiveness of jobs in manufacturing, while securing the environmental, economic and social sustainability for future generations in Europe. The p artnership will contribute to a competitive, green, digital, resilient and human-centric manufacturing industry in Europe. It will be at the centre of a twin ecological and digital transition, being both a driver and subject to these changes. The 2030 vision for the partnership is to reinforce the global position Europe’s manufacturing industry in terms of competitiveness, productivity, and technology leadership.
Memorandum of understanding (July 2021).
Commission services: Nicholas Deliyanakis.
Partners: EFFRA – European Factories of the Future Research Association Željko Pazin.
P4Planet’s ambition is to make European energy intensive process industries circular and climate neutral by 2050 and enhance their global competitiveness.
At least 10 leading sectors of the European Process Industry will be engaged in the implementation of the partnership. These include cement, steel, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, minerals and ores, non-ferrous metals, water, refineries, and pulp or paper.
The partnership works on emerging technologies and on the scaling up of already developed technologies at higher technology readiness levels (TRLs) to deliver expected CO2 emission reductions by 2030 and achieve their full impact by 2050. Proactive and continuous engagement with EU countries, regions, civil society, other research and innovation partnerships and initiatives, and other relevant stakeholders is crucial.
- Draft partnership proposal(June 2020)
- Memorandum of understanding(June 2021).
Commission services:
Partners: A.SPIRE – Àngels Orduna-Cao.
The main objectives for 2030 are to contribute to
- capturing 50% of the global accessible telecom satellite market
- becoming the worldwide leader for Earth observation systems
- reducing the cost/price of launch services by 50% by 2030
- reaching a maturity of technology readiness level 6in the fields of ecosystem for on-orbit operation
- doubling the accessible new services in the space transportation market available to European industry.
Draft partnership proposal (May 2020).
Commission services:
Partners: EARTO WG Space Ana Maria Madrigal, Eurospace Jérémy Hallakoun, European Aeronautics Science Network, EASN Athanasios Dafnis, ESRE, SME4Space.
Source of information:
Web site of the European Commission