EU Mission: Adaptation to Climate Change

Home Structure EU Missions EU Mission: Adaptation to Climate Change

Climate change affects regions, sectors of the economy and members of society in many ways, and EU regions and cities have different climate vulnerabilities and levels of preparedness.

Adapting to climate change means taking action to prepare for and adjust to both the current effects of climate change and the predicted impacts of the future.

The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.

The Mission contributes to putting the EU’s adaptation strategy in practice by helping the regions to

  • better understand the climate risks they are and will be confronted with in the future
  • develop their pathways to be better prepared and cope with the changing climate
  • test and deploy on the ground innovative solutions needed to build resilience

The Mission will also help deliver the European Green Deal.

The Mission’s objective is to accompany by 2030 at least 150 European regions and communities towards climate resilience.

EU countries, regions and cities have an essential role to play in implementing the Mission as they are key agents of change in deploying new technologies and experimenting innovative solutions that address regional and local needs. The Mission aims to get a wide range of regions and communities on board and assist them, alongside their national adaptation strategy, on their specific journey, whether they are just starting out or are already taking steps towards adaptation to climate risks.

Regional and local authorities that share the ambitions of the Mission have manifested their interest to sign the Mission Charter and join the Mission. They declared their willingness to cooperate, mobilise resources and develop activities in their respective region and communities to reach their adaptation goals.

Other entities, such as research institutions or businesses were invited to endorse the Charter and join the Mission’s community of organisations working together towards climate resilience as Friends of the Mission.

The EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change’s online Portal is a hub for European regional and local authorities preparing and planning their adaptation pathways to climate resilience. The Portal provides:

  • Background information on the Mission
  • Knowledge, data and tools to support regions and local authorities in their adaptation journey.
  • EU Mission Solutions that showcase best practices and examples of effective climate adaptation action.
  • News and events relevant to the Mission and climate adaptation and resilience.
  • A gateway to the Mission’s EU Adaptation Community of Practice.

Under the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, new opportunities to support your ideas on adaptation to climate change are now published on the Funding and Tenders Portal.