ESOF 2024: representatives of HEOinUA took part in the MSCA Satellite event in Poland

Home News Events ESOF 2024: representatives of HEOinUA took part in the MSCA Satellite event in Poland

On June 10-11, a forum dedicated to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) of the Horizon Europe was held in Katowice, Poland. The MSCA Satellite partner event, organized by the MSCA initiative in cooperation with the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2024, was attended by specialists from Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, NRFU.

For two days, the participants not only had the opportunity to join panel discussions, but also performed practical exercises during a science communication training for different audiences and a scientific workshop. The working sessions were dedicated to careers at the intersection of science and policy, academic and non-academic collaboration.

The participants took part in a workshop on building communication strategies for policy makers in the area of research and innovation. During this hands-on session, they had the opportunity to carve out their main messages and tailored them to the policy-making world with a lasting impact.

As a result, the forum participants designed the future of MSCA in the European R&I landscape.