Koshyk Yuliia

First results of applications for calls in Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
The seven Horizon Europe Programme Cluster 6 calls for proposals have recently close.

HEOinUA met with representatives of the Health Programme Committee
On March 11, Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine hosted a working meeting with representatives of the Health Programme Committee responsible for monitoring the implementation of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. During the online communication with the Committee members, the parties discussed urgent issues important for organizing effective work.

HEOinUA held a meeting with representatives of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Programme Committee
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to hold online meetings with representatives of the Programme Committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. On March 7, the Office’s experts talked to the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Action Committee members.

Horizon Europe Program opportunities for healthcare researchers and innovators: information day held at the Ministry of Health
On March 6, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, held an Information Day for Scientists, Researchers and Innovators in the Healthcare Field. The participants learned about the grant support provided by the NRFU, as well as about […]

Working meetings with representatives of the Programme Committees of the Horizon Europe Programme continue
Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine continues to hold working meetings with representatives of the Programme Committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. On March 5, the Office’s experts held an online meeting with members of the European Research Council Committee. Igor Taranov, the Head of […]

The Office specialists talked to representatives of the Programme Committee “Civil Security for Society”
On March 01, a regular online meeting was held with representatives of the Programme Committees responsible for monitoring the implementation of the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe”. The experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine communicate with the members of the Civil Security for Society Committee.

Experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine held an online meeting with the NCP of the Horizon 2020 Programme
On February 29, experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine held an online meeting with the National Contact Points of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The purpose of the event was to analyze their work experience in order to take it into account in the work of the NPCs of the Horizon Europe Programme, which […]

HEOinUA continues the starting meetings with the Programme Committees of the Horizon Europe
On February 29, the team of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine met with representatives of the European Innovation Council and European Innovation Ecosystems Programme Committee responsible for monitoring the implementation of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. Such events are held with members of all committees.

The Horizon Europe Programme and requests from Ukrainian universities
On the last day of winter, February 29, a representative of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University visited Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine. Viktoriia Marhasova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work at the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, was interested in aspects of the UE Framework Programme for Researchers and Innovators Horizon Europe.

HEOinUA continues to inform about the opportunities and features of the Horizon Europe Programme: a webinar was held in UANIPIO
On February 29, experts of Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine spoke at a webinar “Opportunities for Ukrainian participants and peculiarities of creating a consortium in the Horizon Europe Framework Programme”. The audience learned about the aspects of participation in calls under the Research Infrastructures within Pillar I Excellent […]