Working visit of the HEOinUA team to Brussels

Home Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine Calendar of events Working visit of the HEOinUA team to Brussels

On June 25-27, 2024, the team of the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine had a working visit to Brussels, the capital of the European Union. On June 25, the team took part in a series of meetings and events important for the further development and integration of the national research and innovation infrastructure into the European Research Area.

The Ukrainian delegation visited the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission. The experts of the Office spoke about their activities since the official launching, their goals and plans for the future in order to raise awareness of the opportunities of Horizon Europe for Ukrainian researchers and innovators. The parties also discussed important common issues that should be addressed together.

More details about the meeting

On the same day, the Ukrainian delegation took part in an information and discussion event on the role of the EU representative offices in the next Framework Programme and an overview of the upcoming missions of the 10th Framework Programme.

The event was organized within the Transnational Cooperation on Missions (TRAMI) project, which has collected the experience of many European regions and countries over the past two years. The invitees shared successful stories of project implementation and participation of different types of participants in Horizon Europe. Emphasis was placed on cross-cutting calls, digital, green course, and active public engagement.

More details about the event